How to manage school exams during lockdown?
The e-Estonia’s live talk takes a deeper look at how to manage school exams during distance learning. In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and resulting quarantine, the entire country of Estonia moved to remote learning almost overnight. The last live talk in August takes a deeper look at how Estonian ICT-companies revamped their products […]
Survey: distance learning from children’s perspective
Telia Company asked 7 000 students across seven countries in the Nordic and Baltics about their experiences from studying from home. Despite challenges and substantial changes in habits that happened overnight, their overall experience has been largely positive. “Across the Nordic and Baltic countries, parents, teachers, politicians and journalists started discussing the psychological, financial and […]
Timeline: What helped Estonia to start distance learning?
Digital education firms speed up innovation
It was surprising even by Estonian standards. In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and resulting quarantine, the entire country moved to remote learning almost overnight, and companies that develop digital e-education platforms repositioned their products to help new users. The article by Justin Petrone was first published on the E-Estonia webpage. Not only did the pandemic transform […]
President of Estonia moderated live conference to support remote learning
On March 25th 2020 – 10 days after all schools in Estonia had started distance learning, president of Estonia, Kersti Kaljulaid, moderated the online conference with students, teachers and parents to support remote learning. President of Estonia, Kersti Kaljulaid, moderated the online conference with students, teachers, education specialists and parents. The conference focused on providing an overview […]
Estonia #1 in Europe for digital learning
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) assessed European countries’ performance in digital learning and found that Estonia, the Netherlands and Finland excel in the digitalisation of education. The new study, produced by CEPS, measured learning outcomes, digital infrastructure and policies, and people’s attitude towards digital learning in 27 EU countries. Digital learning is any type of […]
Estonian experience: How digital transformation contribute to global education?
Estonian delegation took part in the largest online learning and remote working experiment in history – the online EdTechX Summit which brought together key decision-makers to help further accelerate change across industries and discuss how digital transformation contribute to global education. Estonia, the Baltic nation of just 1.3 million people has attracted the attention of […]
How did Estonia become a new role model in digital education?
Estonia has become a role model for digital education as Estonians have made ICT work for education and they have a number of solutions that fully support distance learning. Estonia, the Baltic nation of just 1.3 million people has attracted the attention of world leaders, academics and venture capitalists thanks to its high-tech digital society. […]
Estonia offers its digital education solutions for free to support other countries
Estonia, the leading education nation in Europe (No 1. in PISA test in Europe), announced that it is humbled to share all of its digital education tools to support other countries’ education systems during the COVID-19 crisis. As of today, all school buildings in Estonia are closed. Teaching and learning have been moved entirely online. “Who […]